We are a mobile business that travels to many locations to provide our services. Thermography services are provided for Men & Women!
​Thermal Imaging is used all over the world and has been used for many years. Our images are taken with the highest level Medical Grade Infrared Camera to assess the body's physiological changes & heat patterns. It detects inflammation in the body, the organs, and other inner and surface maladies. It is 100% safe, non-invasive, radiation-free, quick, and a painless test.
Early detection provides an ideal opportunity for doctor and patient in investigation and intervention for your ultimate healthcare needs. Thermography plays a role in clinical diagnosis and in distinguishing between benign, early, more advanced, and progressive disease.
Don't wait until you have a disease, prevent it!
With Thermal Imaging your Health is in your Hands!

Gifts Of Thermography
* No Pain
* Non Invasive/No Touch
* Earlier Indications
* 100% Safe-No Radiation
* FDA Licensed & Compliant

We Travel To Your Office!
No Prescription Needed!
Thermal Breast Screening gives you an overall look at the condition of your breast health. Thermal Breast Screening is the only available method of testing that finds issues, that can be corrected before turning into disease.
Breast scans include thyroid, chest, breast, underarm and back areas. No radiation, no breast crushing, painless and fast.
*THE BIGGEST BENEFIT OF THERMAL BREAST SCREENING--We don't just look for the presence of disease, we try to help you PREVENT it!
Simply call to schedule an appointment!
We have many offices to choose from for your convenience.
You will receive a report with all the colored images. You are free to share your results with your healthcare provider. All images are read and interpreted by Medical Doctors who are Board Certified Thermologists. You will receive your report in a few days.
We See Your Pain!
We can see from Head to Bottom of Feet
A Full Body Scan will help you get to the root of your injury, condition, infection, inflammation or disease. A picture is worth a thousand words!